Hey 👋. My name is Felix Zwettler and I am currently studying Electrical and Information Engineering.
Write me an email: flxzt [at] posteo [dot] de
My Github profile: github.com/flxzt
Chat with me over Matrix: @flxzt:matrix.org
PGP fingerprint: 04 90 0C 64 A4 10 1C 42 79 A9 26 F3 EB 2E DF DA E8 08 05 03
PGP public Key: Download
SSH fingerprint: 6d:6a:7e:df:d0:e5:51:6b:aa:37:80:9f:4a:3d:0e:1e
SSH public key: Download
Note: everything here is created by me personally. There is no and won't be AI generated content on my site.